新闻 & 事件


邀请你加入图书馆令人兴奋的新"无作业读书俱乐部"! What is this Club? It's a discussion group for people who like to read and talk about books but don't want to do assigned reading. It's for people who are looking for their next great read. It's for everyone, whether you finished a book last night or last month! Each meeting will feature a discussion topic to get the conversation started and you don't need to read anything ahead of time. Just join us for a fun discussion about books and reading!

的 Club will meet during the Fall Semester on September 20, October 18 and November 15 from 12:30p-1:30p in Library room UM14. 注册其中一个日期 在这里. 希望能在那里见到你!

Workshop Wednesdays:

他们回来! Sessions on RAM搜索 and Zotero will be held beginning September 27, 亲自到图书馆114室和网上查询, 在秋季学期的周三. 要了解更多信息并预订您的位置,请访问我们的 blog and calendar.


As of August 16, 2023, RAM搜索 is sporting a new look and feel. 了解更多关于它的信息 我们的博客.


We're so excited to welcome new and returning RAMs for the Fall 2023 Semester. T在这里 have been a few changes in the Library that we know you'll be excited about: bookable study rooms (individual and group), portable power banks and an improved reading nook near our first-floor fireplace which features a brand-new couch, 图画小说和杂志! We hope you'll stop by and enjoy the RAMs Renew Space on the Upper Mezzanine level and the exercise bike desk on the Lower Mezzanine level - and we still have board games and popular books in our McNaughton Collection that are all available to borrow. We've also improved directional signage throughout the Library. 看看 这个视频 from Library Dean Millie Gonzalez for more information!


Don't miss an issue of the Library's Campus 新闻letter!








September, 2021




With gratitude for the generous donation by alum Joan Murtaugh, the Whittemore Library is thrilled to announce a new multipurpose room to support mental health wellness and reflection. 的 RAMS Renew Space is a quiet, private room for students, faculty and staff to devote time towards:

  • 心理健康,缓解焦虑或压力
  • 沉思,沉思或祈祷
  • 来自感官超载的平静

的 Library consulted Pam Lehmberg from the 健康 Center to create an ideal relaxation space based on what has worked well at the 健康 Center. 图书馆毕业生实习生吉夫(Yoshio)创建了一个 指南 with information about the room and resources on wellness and meditation. 的 RAMS Renew Space has a massage chair, 冥想椅, 瑜伽垫, 烦躁不安的玩具, 颜色的书, 一种光疗灯, Bluetooth speakers, 舒适的毛毯, 和更多的.

在我们的预订网站上在线预订时间. 你应得的! 一旦你预定了时间, 去图书馆的前台, 显示您的预订邮件, 拿上钥匙(如果需要的话,还有祈祷毯).

Remember: one person per session, no food, tidy up after your visit.

如果你有任何问题, 反馈, 对房间的建议, please do not hesitate to reach out to Interim Dean of the Library Millie Gonzalez at

亨利·惠特莫尔图书馆 Strives to be an Anti-Racist Library

的 Whittemore Library is committed to be an anti-racist, welcoming and supportive library. We condemn the persistent systemic racism and violence toward Black people and all People of Color. We stand in solidarity with FSU’s Black students, colleagues, neighbors. 

作为盟友, we acknowledge that in order to move forward to build an inclusive community, we must take action. Our Library pledges to commit to the following actions:

  • Ensure our physical and virtual environments are inclusive and welcoming.
  • Review our policies and procedures through an 股本 lens.
  • Prioritize the purchase of books and materials authored by and about the experiences of people of color. 
  • Engage in 多样性, inclusion training offered by the 包容性卓越中心 and Human Resource departments.
  • 保持我们的反种族主义, 股本, 多样性, social justice research 指南s that include curated books, 文章, videos and podcasts.
  • Create more social justice online exhibits (such as the 黑人也很重要, 反对仇恨的餐巾, Day of Protest 2017.)
  • Promote and support the activities of the Library 多样性 Committee (LDAC).
  • Host inclusive events at library such as racial healing circles and inclusive book groups.
  • Support our students, faculty and staff in the effort to create an inclusive, 公平的, 反种族主义团体.

我们知道我们还有工作要做. We must listen and educate ourselves about the experiences of people of color. Our responsibility as librarians and library staff is to treat each other with dignity and respect not only during times of crisis, 但是每一天. 这是我们彼此的契约. 

Please review our online research 指南s (Lib指南s) on 多样性, 反种族主义资源, LGBTQ+资源和DACA资源: 

多样性 Lib指南



LGBTQ+ Lib指南

DACA Lib指南



